Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Divorce and Blended Family

We all know that divorce can be hard for children. But oddly enough, according to research it isn't the girls that have the hardest time dealing with the divorce, it is actually the boys. But, how is that?
To me it seems very strange that boys have a rougher time with parents getting a divorce than girls do. You would think that girls have more emotional ties to the parents and that they would take it personally. But, I think that this study takes more of a long-term look at the effects on the children. In a divorce, the mother tends to gain the most custody over the children, and when the parents relocate themselves, the children go with the mother. Without the father figure in the house, the boy tends to feel the need to take up the roll of becoming the father, which is a lot of pressure on the boy, so they tend to act out. Also, another reason to this finding can be because the father is the one who is the disciplinary parent, and without that balance, the boys will start acting out. There are a lot of possibilities to what it can be caused by. The main thing that we need to take into mind is that we need to be aware of the difficulties that the boys will have. When we think of the girls taking it more personally, we tend to be more compassionate to the girl and talk to them about their feelings and how they interpret the situation. We need to also be compassionate and aware of the boys and talk to them about their interpretations of the divorce. Prevention is usually the easier way to go.

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